Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Invitation Is The Key!

I have always wonder looking back at my life of were people would be in life if they had become active in their faith. I realize that I had so many opportunities to invite my peers to youth ministry events, to come to mass with me, or other church events. However, I instead decided to make no form of invitation in fear of what they might think of me. It might not seem like a big deal when you think about it. However, it can be quite intimidating to invite friends, family, and peers to church. This is because of the fear of rejection. The fear of what they might think of us or being labeled as a "Holy Roller" or "Jesus Freak."

Many Christians in the early church had to continually make the decision to follow the Lord when the thought of being a blood martyred for the church was a reality. So many had the courage to be bold in standing up for the Lord and continually giving the invitation to spread the Gospel. We too have to have the courage to die to ourselves when evangelizing to our friends. When we give the invite to someone, especially our peers we risk many things like our status at school, friendships, being labeled by others. Christ continually calls us to go out and cast our nets into the deep. It is our mission and the mission of the church to help build the kingdom by bringing all that meet to Christ. It can be done in the most simplistic way of giving someone the invitation.

Sometime in the next week or so go out of your way to invite someone that you know to go to mass with you, come to youth group, bible study, or even prayer at your school if you have it. You would be surprised at far an invitation go. May the Lord cover you with His Holy Spirit as you go out into the deep and evangelize to all that you meet.

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